Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Book Review

Hi students,

Today in the lab you are going to work on book reviews. 
You've been asked to write a book review for a local newspaper. For this, you need to choose one of the books you have read this term in class: The Picture of Dorian Gray or Robinson Crusoe.

Considering information below, take notes about the book which will help you write your final review. You can also refer to "The Components of a Book Review" chart found in your class worksheet to organize your ideas. 
After you've done this, transfer the main information from your notes to the "Newspaper Matrix" you'll find at the end. Hand in this to your teacher at the end of this class. 

(Takes notes in your notebook)

Newspaper Matrix


What's your favourite book? - Tell us about it! 

Write a book review about your favourite book of all time or about one you find really interesting. Write the review considering the aspects discussed in class today. Hand in this to your teacher next class Wednesday 20th.

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