Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Dear Students,

Have you  seen the film  Titanic? We are pretty sure you have, so let's see how much you remember about the story by answering the questionnaire below. Use the pictures and the vocabulary to help you.

Statue of Liberty seen from above



Useful Vocabulary:

unsinkable, accident, iceberg, sinking, sank, right ahead, hit, lifeboat, women,  afraid, cold, children, drowning


1. Why is the Titanic famous ?
2. Where did the Titanic start ?
3. What did it cross ?
4. Where was it going to?
5. What happened ? And then?
6. Who got into the lifeboats ?
7. What happened to many people?
8. Why didn’t they go back to rescue the drowning people ?

  • After you complete the questionnaire, watch the movie trailer,take down notes and  compare your answers.



Writing a Film Review

 Use the information you've gathered in the questionnaire as well as the notes you've taken from  the trailer in order to write a review of the film Titanic.

Follow the guidelines below to organize your writing. Hand in your work to your teacher. This is
 an evaluated task.

  • Introduction

Most people remember and liked the movie, "The Titanic". Perhaps this was because the movie was based on a real story. And,of course, it was a movie with drama, action, adventure and romance.

  • Main Idea #1 

The “Titanic” was made by the director James Cameron. _______________________________

  • Main Idea #2
At the beginning of the movie, the main characters Jack and Rose board the boat in America. 

Main Idea #3
One of the best things about this movie was _________________________________________


Main Idea #3
One of the best things about this movie is ___________________________________________


“The Titanic” has become a classic movie because ____________________________________


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