Tuesday, May 29, 2012


        Hello Students,               Carrete_de_cine : Un proyector de cine 8 mm vintage proyecta una imagen en blanco con película polvo y rascaduras sobre una pared junto a una pila de carretes de película Foto de archivo

          Today in class  you've learned about  a very old film called The Lady Killers.

                The Ladykillers           

Now watch an extract from  this film and take down notes based on what you see.


After you gather all your notes, compare them with a partner and write a summary of what happens.

Hand in your work to your teacher.



Answer the following questions.

  • What kind of movies do you like?  Who's your favourite actor/actress?
  • What was the last film you saw? Did you see it at the cinema or on DVD?
  • Who was in it?
  • What was it like? Would you recommend it? Why(not)?

                             Hand in your work to your teacher next class.

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